Visual Culture at Ithaca High School: the Annual Student Art Exhibit sponsored by the High School Art Deprtment; features some extraordinary images created by students during the past school year.
I Look Silly an Art Installation outside and inside the library created by abstract artist Ryan McGuire will bring a smile to your face. This whimsical installation features portraits of sixty local Ithacans wearing Groucho Marx disguises displayed on the windows of the Library facing onto Green Street and inside in the North Reading Room. Prints of the whole series of portraits will be available for order and the net proceeds from their sale will be donated to the Library.
Curators, participating artists and Groucho Marx look alikes will be present to talk about the exhibits. During the evening a special video of the Cornell University Fashion Runway Show will be shown in the BorgWarner Room and will be available for viewing on a dedicate computer near the Avenue of the Friends throughout the exhibit.
Join us for a very special evening, Friday, July 11 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. Refeshments will be served in the BorgWarner Room.